Perhaps one day heat waves are going to be the new normal while monsoon becomes something that we hardly get to see or experience and the sea levels rise and start touching the coasts of many cities. This is not a theory for a movie script; this is the future that is possible for India courtesy climate change.
For any nation, economic power is critical for its development but elevating it at the cost of the environment is a thrill that many do not wish to take. There are lots of similar reports like this report of the ESCAP that warned India could see its GDP shrink by 35 percent by 2100 on account of climate change. This stark reality forces a critical question: This is the question that the successful functioning of the African economy on a decaying planet raises.
Reading: The Concrete Impacts of the Abstract Concept of Climate Change
Climate change transcends the effects on temperature alone since it has extensive effects on anything that can be done. Here's a glimpse of what India might face:Here's a glimpse of what India might face:
Agriculture:Climate fluctuations and weather changes will further affect farming, a key sector for food security and living standards.
Water Scarcity:The glaciers shrinkage and shift of precipitation patterns result in water shortage with a negative impact on industries, homes, and farmland and we are already seeing water scarcity in bengaluru.
Sea Level Rise: Coastal dwellers will be affected by increased flooding and forced relocation because of increased water levels resulting from global warming’s changes of sea level and associated economic changes.
Health Risks:The direct impacts involve the intensification of heatwaves, floods, and droughts which contribute to deterioration of health such as heat stroke, diseases emanating from floods, and respiratory diseases. These complications will not only affect the quality of the healthcare systems in the various countries but will also affect productivity at the workplace hence growth of the economy.
Green Economy is a resultant of strong economy.
Fortunately, there is an option that is waiting for you here. Overall, an investment in a green economy which is the economy that is driven towards sustainability and renewable energy is good for the environment, as well as the economy. Here's why:
Innovation Drives Growth: Shifting to green energy such as solar or wind power can also open up new businesses, professions, and jobs for people in society.
Climate Resilience: It reduces future loses that would have been occasioned by bad changes in climate affects to adaptive structures such as the infrastructure and creative innovations geared towards better climate savvy agriculture.